Put your litter in the bin

The playing field has been closed during lockdown. Fifteen years ago, this was pretty much dead space until a group of volunteers raised the funds over a number of years to renovate it, building a playground and skate park and zipwire amongst other things. 

Today I took the long way 'round to Booths to get some steps in and saw the gate was open. The sign says:

Please remember to:
Keep your distance from each other
Wash your hands before and after playing
Don't touch your face
Put your litter in the bin.

I walked up through the playing field to Booths wondering whether the person who made the sign couldn't think of a fourth piece of Covid related advice or whether they just really hate litter and will take any opportunity to campaign against it.

Also, that third piece of advice really should say "Avoid touching your face" but maybe that's just one for the pedants.

-11.4 kgs

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