A girl and her horse (Day 1899)

Now that lockdown is easing a bit, two of the dumps in Orkney have opened up, so I spent a little while after the morning woofer wander cramming as much stuff into the back of the truck as possible. I made a fairly big dent in the pile of junk in the garage before  my beautiful wife and I headed through to Stromness to empty the truck and visit the horses. We arrived at the dump just before it opened and were third in the queue to get in.
We spent a while at the hoss field then zoomed home for lunch. HV zoomed off to do cross country hossing after lunch and I took the woofers to Lyde.
Later, when HV returned from her adventures, we headed across to Skaill to collect 70 bales of hay and take them across to the yard. HV had a chat to Jeepers with Hoy providing a fine backdrop.

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