Backyard Harvest

AW's potatoes do taste good!  Of course, we do not have an entire field of them, but that doesn't matter.

Weather much better than yesterday, but at the moment I feel as though I am standing on the brink of an abyss of some kind.  I am doing my best to understand some issue I'm thinking of, and this is challenging because I'm in the middle of it at the same time.  I am picking at it, as one picks at an open wound, to try to understand what is wrong and, by doing so, to help myself come to some kind of resolution and closure ... until it opens up again in the future and I have to go through the whole thing again.

Of course, I'm also still busy with the MOOC.  In fact, it is what is keeping me sane and grounded.  That said, the topic of WW1 is nothing if not sober.

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