Little Princess

A morning out in Rectory persevering with the kids and their bikes - Allegra is actually very willing, Zion on the other hand... both managed to do bits on their own which was a breakthrough! More só with Allegra as Zion gave up as soon as he realised each time... but at least he managed till he did realise!

Then they each got a treat for their good school reports. All I can assume is that they have alter-egos for when they’re at school! Some stuff I’d expect, but, for example, Allegra in one bit was described as having “a very calm nature” - they obviously have never seen her angry, or when she’s just grazed her knee!

Allegra chose a princess kit - tiara, earrings, wand, heels (!) - all bright pink and plastic! Zion got a remote control car which is pretty impressive!

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