The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

Ray of light

In the office at Marple again today, we're starting to have a regular Wednesday meet up. We'd often work apart, in the comfort of our own homes, for several weeks at a time last year, just emailing each other with queries and using a 'drop box' facility to link up to the office (I still find it quite amazing that I can sit here at home and access documents on the machine at work), but we're putting new processes in place so need to work more closely at the moment.

I parked up so I could walk the final stretch to work again, different route to the last two weeks, avoiding the soggy canal after yesterday's weather. The wind was like ice but it was a nice head clearer before the meeting.

On the way into Marple I'd spotted a Blip opportunity - there are some big dark porthole style windows on the curry house opposite the station and today I could see reflections in them - always a big plus! I parked up on the way home to see what I could do but couldn't quite get the composition I wanted with trees and the church opposite reflected, but I'll be passing every week so I'm not beat on that one yet.

Ended up parking up in our village to see if anything caught my eye. This one is a view from near Dyson's village store looking towards Chisworth - I liked that the sun made an appearance and stuck its rays through the cloud for me.

Quiet evening preparing our house lettings Facebook site with photos and info about the vacant house in Grimsby, prior to the advert being in the paper/online tomorrow. We're lucky that mum and dad act as our agents in Grimsby, they're not ready to retire fully yet! They are happy to show potential tenants round and help us out no end with things that we can't do easily from 100 miles away, especially since we both work and this is just a sideline. We'd find it difficult running the business without their input and support, so huge thanks to mum and dad!

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