Cukes galore
A bit of work to get out of the way in the morning, a quiche to make and apricots to roast, then off into town for some last minute shopping and to collect our Parisian visitors from the station.
It being the day before Bastille Day, all the nice shops were closed: we had to go to the third best baker; the chocolate shops were closed, both the greengrocers, both the cheese shops and all the delis. I ended up in Intermarché, which has an excellent cheese counter with lots of local cheeses.
The train was 5 minutes early, but I am wise to this and was there just as it arrived! Tara (school friend who has lived in Paris for years) decided we could ignore social distancing and have a hug!
And so to a long day of eating, drinking and getting properly caught up. We only really moved between tables when one meal tumbled into the next, though Geoffroy spent a happy half hour with Piper on his lap. She is a defiantly non-cuddly bunny, but just adored him and sat in a trance, purring.
Late afternoon a neighbour popped round with a box of cucumbers, as you do, and - seeing as he’s a vigneron - a couple of bottles of wine too!
A series of natural wines our guests brought with them was followed by some old claret and various other treats. One of those evenings where you note that it’s midnight and you should probably go to bed soon, but the conversation and wine flow and suddenly it’s 3am...
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