TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

Proper coffee...

in a paper cup.

The last time I was here was  Wednesdy11 March (130 days).  The next day I was working at home and I don't work Fridays.
Monday 16 March in anticipation of the full formal lockdown to come our part of the Civil Service was instructed to stay at home (or fetch our computers and go straight home) to let them stabilise our remote network.  

That week they managed to get it sorted so instead of 20,000 people being able to log on remotely for short periods 80,000 could for full working days.
Which is how the Job Retention Scheme and Self Employment Support Scheme could operate with no office working.

Obviously we have no return to work date but the coffee reopened on Thursday so I drove in specially and had breakfast.

Kassie and I did a lovely walk later and finished it at the pub..I may have adapted to the new normal.

#2020_157 today was a good day

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