
By Dibsie

My first sunset

Today I got told off for asking who Joe Cocker is.

Now I may have phrased my question wrong, I knew he was a famous singer back in the day but I wanted to know what song he is most famous for.

But still I didn't expect the response I got, which was quite rude and patronising from this work colleague. Even if I hadn't known who he was, does it really matter that much? Am I suppose to now be labelled stupid due to my lack of music knowledge?

If someone asks me a question, even if I think it may be about something which is well known and I may be a little surprised that someone might not know it already, I don't make that person feel small or stupid. After all they are asking the question so they are obviously interested and I don't believe in ever making someone feel stupid for asking a question. I would like to think of myself as striving to learn new things every day and I don't put barriers or topics on what I learn.

I was quite riled about it and still obviously am.

On a brighter note, I caught my first sunset of the year which I quickly grabbed (literally ran out of the car to get a shot) outside Matts work.

Photo 37 of the 365 challenge.

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