
By Mindseye

Sunday Bikers

A horrible wet day yesterday, no photos taken, so no blip :-/. We did walk to town....slowly, but gradually as the day went on my back improved, so was quite hopeful of further improvement this morning. Sadly not so....it is moving around though!

At least its been brighter today....walked to our local Tesco for a paper and back a slightly longer route, not sure that was a good idea, I hadn't taken any painkillers, but needed them by the time I got back. I took todays photo whilst stood outside on the forecourt waiting for hub. I really love his old fashioned helmut and leather jacket with England emblazoned
across it :-) I have given it a little bit of colour-pop treatment, which I rather like.

We sat in the garden, had a coffee and read for a while. Watered the baskets, made some lunch, just a tuna sandwich today. Did the crossword.....I can feel myself getting frustrated at not being able to just get on and do things :-(

My team were an embarrassment this evening in their FA Cup final against Chelsea...l have always said that our Keeper should have been allowed to leave when he wanted to a couple of seasons ago, he has cost us dearly on numerous occasions.

That has just about rounded off a pretty naff weekend overall.....hope yours has been better and I promise I will book up soon ;-/

Wishing you a good & safe new week

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