Reikes small life...

By Reike

The perfect day

Today I am using a picture that not I, but a friend of mine took.

I had a perfect day! 

Slept long, went with Djeili to the lake where we both had a swim :) 

Then a friend picked me up and we drove up to one of the mountain passes, walked a bit along the river until we found a nice sandbank that we could wade over to. We made a fire (Djeili "helped" making it) and grilled sausages over it. After chilling out in the sun some more we drove over to a fantastic waterfall underneath which you can stand to get totally soaked through and refreshed! 

The day was ended with Agility training - I do admit that Djeili and I sucked big time after the past action-loaded days. 

More pictures here and some videos here. 

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