Impromptu bake!
All of my days now begin with opening up for the 'girls'. They are always delighted to see me, I'm guessing most probably because I take food! They line up to come out of the coop and trot down their steps (extra photo), knowing breakfast is served!
This morning I spent an hour or two in the growing room, rearranging and potting up cuttings snaffled from mother-in-law's garden on Saturday. I'm hoping they'll all take.
I planned our meals for the coming week so that I could complete my online grocery order being delivered tomorrow. I use the Paprika app, so when I've chosen the meals I click add to basket on the app, a list appears for all the meals chosen and I just add all the things I don't already have in the cupboard to my online shop. The most difficult part is deciding what meals to have the coming week!
I ordered mum's new reclining chair, hopefully being delivered on 31st. I chatted to her on the phone and then to my brother. He'd had a call from Social Services to say they are going to assess mum, over the phone, tomorrow at 2.30pm. As mum doesn't always hear what's being said over the phone, he is going to sit with her with his phone on speaker, and to make sure she doesn't say she can do things we know she can't!
I froze some of the black currants harvested yesterday and kept some in the fridge for eating, which were calling to me so I rustled up some impromptu wholemeal, black currants buns, yummy! They had not long been out of the oven when we had an impromptu visit from Margaret, asking to borrow Barry for some lifting job that needed two people. They went off with Margaret clutching cakes!
I cooked dinner while he was gone.
Our evening almost started in disaster as Barry said one of the hens was missing from the coop when he went down to shut them in. I donned my wellies and some food to go along the footpath to see if she had escaped, just going out the door and he phoned to say "it's ok she was hiding in a corner!" Disaster averted and I could actually settle down to a quiet evening.
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