Middle C
They say that the devil makes work for idle hands.
To avoid such satanic influence upon my dextrous digits and desiring something else outside of running and work to keep my noisy mind sated, I have taken the plunge and invested in a full-size digital piano.
I’ve always wanted to learn to play an instrument, I did dabble with the guitar for a while, but I simply could not get the hang of it, so thought I would go all-in on the piano/keyboard. I’ve been following an app-based tutorial from Skoove, which came with it and it seems to be OK with delivering the basics. I’m just going to need to learn to read music much faster!
I’ve moved on to ‘Ode to Joy’ which I am finding a little tricky in these early stages and am currently adhering to Eric Morecambe’s “all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order” maxim.
I am hopeful that having the keyboard out and easy to access will encourage the children to give it a go too and no doubt immediately surpass my efforts inside of a single session.
Once work was done, I hit the dusty trail for my first 10k in a month. Found it hard going, but enjoyable and the foot, though a little tender, seems to be holding up.
My plan to quiet the brain seems to have worked as I had the best night’s sleep!
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