
By jojobunny

Red- Tailed Hawk

For the past few weeks, I have been taking photos of this red- tailed hawk. Most of the time it's been very far away, even with a telephoto lens.
Today I was lucky enough to see the hawk again. This time I witnessed him fly down from his perch, and kill his prey. I think it was a mole or a big mouse. I was trying to get the shots, but he was flying pretty fast. I did photograph him taking his prey to the the top of a pole, where he then ate it.
Most of the shots I took were not that clear. I don't know if I had it on the wrong settings, or just because I was so excited to see him I didn't focus it right.
Then he flew across the street and met up with another hawk. The one in this photo appeared to be a little bit smaller than the other one.
It was a great sight to see!

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