Roly's Life

By Roly


So this one is going to worry my Mum but it’s all ok Mum, I promise!! I just think I need to keep a record of what is happening at the moment!!

I woke to find my left arm ‘hiving up’. Just the forefinger was swollen at this point but I rang and emailed the consultant at Derriford to see if they wanted me to do anything. They called back and asked me to get the GP to do blood tests and to keep them informed. An appointment was duly made for Weds with the nurse.

I spent most of the day in bed due to sore feet, hivey legs and the slowing swelling arm. I felt unwell and was cold and shivery on and off for most of the afternoon but put it down to the arm.

Around 9, I took more photos and emailed an update to Derriford then ‘retired’ to bed with MrRoly, now snuggled up in 2 duvets!! At 10 it was ‘lights out’ - actually I stopped watching Deadpool so I must have been feeling rough!

A little while later I awoke needing a wee so went to the bathroom. I couldn’t wee and came over all peculiar - nausea, where saliva starts flooding your mouth; lightheaded ness and dizziness. I tried to make it back to bed but had to lay down on the landing. Fortunately I didn’t blackout but it was close! My arms and legs were tingling/vibrating and all I wanted to do was sleep!

After 10-15 minutes MrRoly got me back into bed and called 111, after speaking with both a nurse and a doctor, they sent an ambulance.

The 2 paramedics were so lovely, they did various observations but ultimately decided I needed to go to hospital. A slight temperature of 38.6, very fast pulse but good blood pressure (which fell dramatically after the walk to the ambulance). My first time (and hopefully last time) in an ambulance.

Technically a lot of this happened on 21st July as I arrived in my ‘bay’ at 1.30 amongst a rush. Apparently it had been quiet all night then 5 of us arrived with 30minutes!!

As I just had a rash (!!) I was referred back to minors and the GP on duty. It was quite amusing to see the faces change once they saw my ‘rash’, which by now had blistered and was weeping!

The doctor decided that the best plan would be to do the blood tests for Derriford there and then and get the steroids started. All my obs, including temperature had returned to normal so he was keen to get me home. Typically, as the nurse was giving me the steroids, I went all lightheaded again like had happened at home. She was most concerned as everything seemed normal.

The doctor came back and decided from what I had described happening that it might be labarynthitis (?) - inner ear craziness. He felt the 2 things were not related and I was still ok to go home as long I do everything slowly!!

I’d messaged MrRoly and Eldest, not sure if MrRoly was planning to go to work or not (no reason for him not to) and Eldest the superstar came out to get me. We drove home through a glorious sunrise and passed MrRoly on his way to work on the Penryn bypass!!

It’s now 10.45 on Tuesday, I fell asleep almost straight away and already my arm feels a little less swollen.

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