Almost There

The heat of the fight was yesterday, so felt tired today.  AW just let me be.  This was shot in the backyard.

Finished the MOOC today!  Two courses this week.  They have seen me through, and successfully, too, as my marks were 9.6 and 10.  Real mindfulness there as I emptied my head of many other things.  It's good to chuck a number of pieces around the mental room, not give a care where they land, and then pick them up and put them in the right places, and junk what's no longer relevant.  Didn't spend too much time doing that either, though.  Went to bed, not to sleep, but to enjoy my colouring book.  Great strides of progress there ... haha!

If all goes well, there's an adventure planned for tomorrow.  The weather is more than good, the stars are aligned, my head is back in position.

THANK YOU for your support this week!  Very, very much appreciated.

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