Broken Tree

A couple of weeks ago, in some very strong winds, there were some tree casualties in the little wood near us. The owner had to come and saw them up as they had fallen over the pathway.

Today I noticed the cut end of one of the trunks...and as you can see it is well broken and looks as though it has been for a while. Presumably it was weakened by this which may have made it more susceptible to being blown over.

Spent most of the day at Mrs madwill’s studio, stocktaking and adding more fabrics to the web site. This included some new Ch******s stock which arrived this week (sadly unable to cancel the order that was made before lockdown). Let’s hope we can shift it. Heard today that the Harrogate Quilt Show in September has been cancelled (which we were expecting anyway), so our big money spinning opportunity of the year has now gone. At present we have tens of thousands of pounds worth of stock sitting idly... web orders are eroding it, but not nearly fast enough.

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