Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

So good to have a blue sky and fluffy white clouds day.  Made the most of it and went for a walk near Thirlmere.  Parked in a lay-by at Rough How Bridge but the track I wanted which takes you to St John's in the Vale was completely covered with bracken.  I gave up after a while and turned back and took a different track on the other side of the very busy A591.  Interesting trying to cross the road.  Anyhow, lots of views of Skiddaw and Blencathra.  On the way back I heard a noise and saw this air force plane flying very slow and quite low.  Also saw lots of paraglider activity over in St John's in the Vale, see Extras.  Don't think I've ever seen that many before.  Very busy in the Lakes at the moment.  Looks like I will have to start getting up earlier!

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