Mot time

I popped into Poppi to pay the car insurance and book an mot after early watering duties. A beautiful day dodging the strength of the sun. Then a long zoom with my sister and the probate lawyer. Bloody hell the complications do not lessen and the professional fees just keep ratcheting up. But what you gonna do? Both me and my sister felt overwhelmed by the complexity of it all but things are moving forward. I fell into a troubled siesta and was loath to move until the sun had lost some of its ferocity.

I was having a look at the Scottish Covid data and regs as T is away to Bo’ness tomorrow for a meet up with mates. It’s probably not what I’d be doing but I’ve not been cooped up in a flat by myself these last months.

The epidemiological modelling bulletins are worth a gander. Although Scottish daily new cases are in the low 20s the modelling suggests a mid-range estimate of 400 infectious people in circulation in Scotland in week 24 July. Here: see Table 2.

All the stuff I see (less obsessively these days) suggests avoiding enclosed noisy poor ventilated spaces where aerosols particles linger.

Masks help both for others and ourselves but harder to use if you’re eating and drinking. But that increases the risk of eating and making merry indoors particularly if social distancing comes down from 2 metres to one metre. Best be outside and if you have to be inside the longer you linger the greater the risk.

The balance of consensus on transmission routes seems to have shifted markedly from hand transmission to aerosol transmission. The jury is still out but the weight of evidence seems to grow each day.

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