In My Blingy

First non-essential shop today at the boutique store in my old village Lenham. In my Blingy is the perfect place for greeting cards and gifts.

Lovely to see owner Imogen and catch up. Shame a couple of (non-masked) shoppers decided to be disrespectful of the ‘only 2 people in the shop at one time’ rule and were so rude. So much in fact that Imogen messaged me later.

Small business owners have a tough time of it enough as it is so this was so unnecessary today. I want to support the local shops but it did put me off as other people are an unknown.

I’ve found lately that when I am shopping in a mask I get hassle from shoppers without masks as if they want an argument usually when they don’t follow the rules by barging past or going the wrong way down a one way aisle. When I politely ask them to keep a distance they go berserk!

I’ll be aiming for home delivery or click and collect as much as possible in future. For the little shops l’ll just keep an eye out for a quiet moment to pop in!

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