About to turn

By jMcLean

Sno Cones and Lightning

A very quiet day for the most part. Was feeling a bit under par and grabbed some extra sleep. I am considering whether to extend our rental car by another week or drive back home Thursday. It's hard to know what's right, but I think everyone will be ok with what I decide. Leaning towards staying if the girl who's looking after house and garden and bunny can continue. W. will stay here for the duration. 

Tonight Jason took us to Pelican's, a fun shave ice snack shop. We wore our masks up to the plexiglass window and were the only ones in line when we ordered. Pure sugar! I had butterscotch with chocolate cream; D. had blue bubblegum with cotton candy cream. That should give you an idea of the menu. He has blue teeth now. The kids sat on top of the car with their hair whipping in the pre-storm breeze and heat lightening flashing in the distance. It was the first time in a week and a half that the kids had been away from the two houses here. Now back, and it's finally raining.

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