A Liquorice Fix

I rue the day I first set foot in Poundland. It does me a disservice in the amount of unhealthy sweets on offer to tempt me -the sort of sweets I don’t encounter in my everyday shopping.
First it was liquorice comfits, now it’s liquorice logs. You can tell I like liquorice. During the war, yes the WW11 one, when sweets like everything else were rationed, we children had to make do with getting our liquorice from source, by chewing the woody roots of the liquorice plant. I‘ve no doubt this was a much healthier way of getting a liquorice fix than gobbling up these seriously unhealthy sweets in my blip.

I was looking forward this morning to cycling to a schoolfriend’s house for coffee, but one glance outside the window and I changed my mind. The sky was leaden and the rain had already set in for the duration. So it was on with the mask for a bus journey. Past the rush hour (if there actually is one up her these days)the buses are almost empty and we sailed along at a cracking speed with almost no one getting on or off. Periodically we stopped to let the timetable catch up with us.
It is so rewarding to be able to meet up with people again and restore prelockdown social connections.

The city is still much quieter than usual even a mile away from the centre as my extra , taken as I waited for a bus in Lauriston Place, illustrates.

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