A blood test today . . . scary time . . . how daft is that . . . frightened to see another human. Had to wear a mask, of course. My glasses steamed up . . . so I took them off . . . Room 11 they said . . . where the hell is that I cannot see . . .  hehe !
Floral explosion . . . in Boro Red . . . wherever they will be after tonight. Hoping to ride the final 30 miles with T tomorrow . . . rain forecast . . . never mind. Going to lock myself away now, with prayer mat and anything else I can think of . . . just hoping all goes well. You would hope I would be used to these situations by now, after 50+ years.
No doubt I will be awake all night . . . but unable to look at the footie results. Tomorrow I have an excuse cos I will be on the road. Gotta look sometime . . . maybe Friday. Stay safe all.

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