
By SadlerStar

West coast

The children have been with us all day. Tilly has been trying to bounce down 100 times and stand up after each. I think she got to 60 when the need to do something else set in. Izzy has been making another small bear out of felt. She traced the pattern, cut out her pieces and sewed it all together using blanket stitch (which she says is her favourite way to sew) She used beads for eyes and made it a little scarf out of a scrap of material left over from another project. She absolutely loves sewing. 
We then went out for dinner at a restaurant by the beach which has a play area, this was greatly appreciated by both the girls.

Once we had taken them home we drove down to the West coast which was a scenic detour to our house. It was lovely to see the beaches still full of families at 19:45 in the evening. Some enjoying picnics, some having fish and chips, some still sitting in the sunshine whilst others swam or were out in kayaks. It has certainly been a warm day today!

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