Ice creams

Today started slow then went into town to get some printing done and to pick up Toby. Then Cathie asked me to pick up some fruit and mail some letters.
It was cold and rainy so I put a sweatshirt and a jacket on. As I neared the high street the sun came out. By the time I was standing in the print shop the jacket came off.
I could leave the printing while I bought a new coller for Jodie and pick Toby up. As I was walking back carrying his bag I needed to take my sweatshirt off it was so nice and warm.
Picked up the printing. Very happy with that and back on the high street. It was busy today. The busiest it’s been yet. Lots of stalls and lots of people. As I stood in line waiting for the fruit and veg man I realised I wouldn’t be able to come on Friday so ended up picking up more tan originally attended. Which then left me with my little back pack, a jacket, a sweatshirt, Toby’s bag , a bag of printing, a bag of fruit and a dog!!! And it kept getting hotter!
I was glad to get back home and drop everything ... Then run straight out to meet Jo and the kids for a walk around Swinsty Reservoir.
It was very nice to spend the afternoon with them. A nice ‘normal’ thing to do!
Home played my flute had a coffee then popped in on mom and dad. Home dinner and crochet while watching Lewis and snuggling with Toby. ;)

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