
THANK YOU for all the stars and hearts for yesterday's fairy tale castle!

Monday again ... where does the time go?

New very short MOOC (two weeks) but I will get it done by tomorrow.

Feeling better, but some way to go yet.  In any case, while I was in the car yesterday on the way and back, I realized one thing -- the abyss is in your head, and heaven is also in your head.  These are thoughts that signal that something is wrong, they give you the idea that you want to leave reality, and the cure is to look for what is pleasant in the reality that you are in.  This can be a challenge.  I try to do this by organizing things a bit more, by looking for something new, by being with AW, and by getting some food and rest.  (We know some people rely only on the food.)  Good weather helps tremendously, too, as it improves mood and gives you more reasons to go out.  There are moments, though, when all these flowers in the backyard are not enough.  I think, all things considered, that I've managed to cope with the isolation pretty well, and maybe even too well, and things backfired a bit.  I'm not going to analyze this too much because all of that will just be speculative foam in my head, which is the last thing I need right now.

Anyway, an 'okay' day.  We did think of trying to spot the comet last week, all the way up to 02.00, without success, and we did try it again this evening, but I'll chase some other comet's tail another time.

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