Odd flower (Day 1904)

Damp, grey, drizzly, dreich. A fine day for the Prime Minister to visit Orkney. With  my beautiful wife on a 24 hour shift at work, I had hoss duties to attend to this morning after a visit to the dump to get rid of more of the junk from the garage. On the way to the field I passed a small group of drookit protesters. I marked the occasion of the PM's visit by spending a while shovelling horse shit around. It seemed an appropriate use of my time.
Home for a quick lunch, then off to Lyde to wander the woofers in murky drizzle.
A brief stop at home to feed the dogs, then off to town to collect bits for a job tomorrow, and to sort out a water hammer problem for a customer. I finished the day with a call out to Stenness to sort another loo.

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