Looking Over My Shoulder

By GirlMick

12 muscles

A good friend of mine is having a 1940's themed 40th birthday in a couple of weeks. It's a fancy dress affair and so today I headed down to Bournemouth to a shop that specialises in this era. Trying on outfits in a cupboard no bigger than a phone box and which quite frankly smelt like a phonebox located in a back alley frequented by drunks wasn't fun but in the end I decided on my outfit which turned out to be quite boring...a tea dress! I tried on a land army girl's outfit first but looked like a sack of spuds and by this time I was freezing so chose the next outfit I tried on.

On my way back home I took a wrong turn forgot to listen to Ms Satnav and ended up in the New Forest watching all the ponies. Imagine the scene if you will....I parked up and was fiddling with my camera - changing lenses - and all the time keeping an eye on a bunch of white ponies that were in a small wooded valley just off to my right. Just as I got the camera ready and exited the car, 3 of the 4 ponies disappeared into the ferns and bush and a magnificent buzzard swooped right through the trees and headed off into the distance, so there I was, left with camera in hand and just one horsey to shoot. He went on to feed from the trees and I got quite a few good giraffe impersonation pictures. However, when I got home and downloaded the pictures I noticed that the said white horse/pony (how do you tell the difference?) had something quite unusual around his neck. I hadn't noticed it when I was actually in front of the animal but it looked like a piece of cloth tied quite tightly around his neck. It wasn't stopping him eating (I had pictures to prove that) and he wasn't in any distress but this cloth just doesn't look right and the horses are wild so shouldn't have this sort of thing on them. What was one to do? In the end I phoned the RSPCA and asked if I could email them the pictures and I could give them the last known location of the horse/pony. I may be worrying over nothing but you know when your gut instinct just tells you something is wrong....mine is positively rumbling! Hope the lovely fella is ok.

Today's Blip is of white horse/pony/giraffe's mate!

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