
By karisfitch

Family Near and Far

...And now for some backblipping!

Started off today with Conor planning a cycling route for us around London (planning cycle routes is another one of his passions!) While he was busy memorising one, I got a surprise video call from these guys pictured above...one of the families we stayed with in Manado! Aris, Sisi, Jeremy and my little friend El. A beautiful family, with such a heart for quality time, relationships, and bringing the good news about Jesus to unreached tribes. The piece of paper they’re holding up, is a drawing I did with El - “I love my Tumaluntung family”. I can’t believe they still have it. They’ve put it up on their door. Pulled a bit on the heartstrings to hear them ask when I could come back. I’m not sure, but I pray it will be someday.

An extra of us when we went for our adventure on the Boris bikes later! Planned to perfection by Conor. Popped into Lush on our way back, and the guy at the door was from Belfast! (The giveaway was the “Elderflower” soap he recommended...we can’t say that word and sound normal).
After a big long cycle, we decided to treat ourselves and got some pizza Rebekah’s been wanting to try for weeks...and for half price!

Thank you Lord for this day!


- My YWAM Tumaluntung family, all safe and well, and still working so hard to share the love of Jesus with the unreached! Their absolute joy. The opportunity to meet them in the first place. Being able to stay in touch.
- Time with my Brother and Sister, especially after being apart. Enjoying their company, and sense of humour! Having Conor here with us. I love his conversation. (It’s not quantity but it’s definitely quality!)
- Cycling by a canal in the sunshine.
- Seeing Andre again!
- Summer holidays.

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