Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

Another day another sky drama

I got to admit I am sure having fun with this camera. It’s an Apple iPhone and it’s just a lot of fun.

Probably partly for that reason I’m taking a lot of pictures of the sky this summer. The camera just captures the drama of it so well. It helps that the summer sky around here has been putting on quite a show for us.

Today I had to head to town for an early meeting and this was right near the house as I was entering onto the highway. It’s a high place in the area and it overlooks miles and miles in most directions.

Last night thunder and lightning storms woke me three different times. There was a lot of noise in the air and flashing lightning. Three different storms blew over us.

The grey, the yellow and green, the blues and whites in the sky, all seem to go together so beautifully.

We’ll see what tomorrow’s skies bring for us.


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