Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

Just a Thursday afternoon :-)

And I was actually able to get this photo after is starting to get lighter!

Good day at work, I was able to tie up a bunch of loose ends, plan next week, and have a fun class acting out ways Shakespeare would never have imagined! :-)

We are moving towards the weekend :-)

Now it is time for tacos...boys + J here at home and D has his confirmation (non-religious) class tonight. I am trying to talk E in to skiing with me.....bribery may be necessary! I am sitting here trying to think of something special that has happened today that I should write down in order to remember the day....but instead it´s been a completely typical "hverdag".....and as I sit here, I realize how grateful I am for the fact that I have such nice hverdager :-)

ps....hverdag means "everyday" or the Monday to is made up of hverdager and we better like them :-)

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