
By caninegalore

The mystery of the missing canal

Today we turned the map over and decided to start exploring the canal over in the Bromsgrove direction. There was a series of locks that we were aiming to walk by. So we arrived and parked up and found a way to access the canal. First we came to a canal bridge and then a long tunnel which didn’t have a footpath under it so we followed a path that led into a field of wheat and then into some ancient woodland, slightly spooky, you could almost imagine wolves or wild boar running along the tracks and behind the trees. Thankfully not though. So we continued on, wondering where the canal had disappeared to. Just when we were about to give up and turn back we came to the canal and the other side of the tunnel. So we found a place to sit down and eat some smarty cookies, as a reward before going back home again. We aim to find the locks another day.

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