A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley


What a fabulous day!!!!!

I was a bit late this morning. I'd stopped on the fell road to take a photo of the sunrise, but it took ages, the camera wouldn't focus and it was blowing a hoolie. Then I ended up in a line of traffic so decided to take 'the short cut' I got diverted via Byker. It took me ages!

So...I was driving down Mill Road and I saw a lady with a little red suitcase. She took a camera out.....

RRRRRRRRRRRrk!!!!! (screech of brakes)

GW: Hello Emma!
Emmala: Er!
GW: I'm Gaily Waily

It was a surreal experience, but amazingly thrilling! I was squealing with delight (I hope I didn't make a total fool of myself!)

It was so good to meet a fellow blipper! Lovely to meet you Emma!

The day didn't stop there though - these two got married today. I have no idea who they were but I stopped to congratulate them... after I met Cassie as she walked across the bridge with a friend!

What a wonderful day!!!!!!

Hope you had one too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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