car crash

Littlest has a car obsession at the moment. Yesterday she would only go on the piste if she could take two cars with her and today I watched her sneak out of her bedroom and to the cars at 6am. When Flea and I got up some time later we found this scene.....
She's been playing with them on and off all day and the things she's been thinking up to do with them are a source of both amazement and deep disturb-ment. She's in her usual crazy form.

I've been a bit more active today just v e r y s l o w which drives me mad. However, unlike yesterday I have BEEN OUTSIDE!! TWICE. Sadly, the concentration required to walk properly and without pain or slipping on the icy hills means that I didn't think of taking photos. Other than that, during my resting I have been working my way through a boring list of jobs.....

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