Kath's Journal

By Kathb


This isn't a great photo but I am blipping it because, as far as I know, this is the very first frog to visit my homemade pond. A few years back I sunk a black plastic bowl about 2ft in diameter into the ground. I didn't put anything in it, apart from a few rocks. No plants and no water - I left it to fill up with rain water. Since then it has slowly come to life and I had noticed water fleas, snails and other small creatures. Also a lot of green slimy stuff. Today, I went to the bottom of the garden to see how my apple tree was doing and was very surprised to see the frog sitting on a rock in the tiny pond. I didn't want to disturb the creature, so I didn't get too close, or hang around. I hope it decides to stay - it is very welcome. 

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