
By OzGeoff

The Stove

Well, cheating just a tad with this one as I took this shot a couple of days ago. I thought I needed to confess before someone noticed the time on the clock but if you do look at the clock you may see that the time is reversed - a good friend gave it to us a few years ago and it just keeps going. It can be a bit confusing but we are used to it. I am really busy today and we are away for the weekend with uncertain internet access in the evening.

Last year we renovated our kitchen and living room and a colour consultant we employed thought we should make a feature of our old wood fired stove. Our house was built in 1911 and the stove, I believe, is original. It was manufactured in Glebe where I am volunteer bus driving today. It still works and whilst we rarely use it we have cooked great scones and pizza in its oven. A hundred years ago it would not have cooked pizza.

The scrapping back of the bricks was quite difficult as they were coated in some kind of coating that paint stripper wouldn't budge but I did a couple a day until the job was done.

One of the framed photos is of our beloved maltese, Sam. He was very special.

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