Life through the lens...

By ValC

Sun arise.

It was wonderful this morning.
(Photo taken from the window)
Do you remember the 1961 song by Rolf Harris? (Are you so old!!!)

Sun arise, she bring in the morning.
Sun arise,bring in the morning, fluttering her skirts all around.
Sun arise,she come with the dawing.
Sun arise, come with the dawning, spreading all the light all around.

It was written by Western Australian Harry Butler, who was a naturalist.
Based on Aboriginal beliefs. Recorded using 8 double basses to mimic the didgeridoo, which Rolf couldn't play at the time!

See Trevorearthy's comment for a link!

A more relaxing day today after yesterday. (See back blip)

Many thanks to all of you who have already given me stars and hearts.
It was a bit special with that back drop of the snowy peaks.
My thanks to mother nature!

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