a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Loafing about

This is a spelt loaf that I've baked today.  Most of the other things that I've been dealing with today involve trying to sort out why various bits of software wouldn't do what they were supposed to....

It was as we were eating dinner this evening that Cathy mentioned to me that we have baby newts in the pond.  She had been taking blanket weed out of of the pond in the garden, earlier in the day.  When she does this, she leaves the weed on the retaining wall of the pond to allow any creatures that might have been hoiked out of the pond to find their way back.  As she had been doing this she had found several baby newts.  

I'm afraid you haven't got a shot of baby newts as Cathy didn't think that I would want to photograph them as they were very small ....

Sorry - the loaf really isn't that interesting as a blip now is it?

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