In the Lavender

Annie started the day with some pruning and in an absent-minded moment, put the secateurs down and promptly lost them into the bush! After three fairly exhaustive searches, she found them again later in the afternoon, but it set the tone for the day.

After an early lunch, we headed out in the Lotus to meet a good friend at the Cotswold lavender farm at Snowshill. We set off in the sunshine, Annie in her shorts, the roof off. As we made our way up the M40, the sky darkened and the windscreen was soon peppered with rain spots. At speed we didn't notice the rain and stayed dry. However, once off the motorway, the roof had to be hastily put back in place. 

At the farm, the weather was great, sunshine and a bit of cloud. However, taking my (Chris’) camera out, I found no memory card in it and we were in the wrong car to have a backup in the glovebox, this car has no glovebox! Thankfully we had our phones.

We had a lovely walk in the lavender, the aroma fills the air and although the car park was busy, it was pretty easy to keep socially distant.  

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