Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench


I haven't been to the hairdresser in over a year. What a scruffbag. I'm a low maintenance besom that teeters on the edge of why bother but i just about hang in there. The gnarly frizzly grey creeping all over was annoying the pants off me. The foils are a brief leveller, making even the most well groomed (not me, obviously) of women look like defective cyborgs on the verge of a nervous breakdown. But i'm totally up for the fickle fakery that is hair dye.

A visit to Insch for Leah to work her magic, which she did, then over the back hill to Montgarrie to see the Wright clan till late evening. And finally, a beautiful dusk drive home meandering between the golden fields, nicely distracting me from the thought of going back to work in the morning.

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