Life with Alice

By elirin

Almost - almost - worth it...

Mum made a fried egg and caviar sandwich this morning. Brilliant! Said I. Picnic! Famous last words. 

We did go for a long drive, but I got dumped at the Dog (Not) Oasis at the end of it. Mum, apparently, went to have a picnic near the locks at Göta kanal, having a great time with my kennel mum and dad and my poodle mum Alva and my sister Nora. Hello??? That’s so unfair I can’t even begin to explain.

At least we stopped halfway back for ice cream, also along the canal, watching boats and tourists and dogs. Mum tried to tell me how funny it was that the same boat she saw on her outing was now here. I did NOT find it funny at all so I ignored her. The ice cream was vanilla-mango-passion fruit and very yummy indeed. Almost...

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