The visit

I was a little bit jumpy and nervous all morning because of visiting C today. I headed off early and soon hit some traffic in High Wycombe. It held me up slightly but I pulled into the hospital at 330. At the entrance they took my temperature asked me a few questions and I was in. I found the ward where I was gloved and gowned before being taken to Cs room. (Already wearing a mask of course ). She looked remarkably well. Good colour and physically able to walk around. She knew who I was and said she was pleased to see me, we were socially distanced but it was good to see her. I managed to catch the Dr who couldn't tell me anything more than we knew already but assured me that they were still actively looking for a specific unit that would be able to help her. She managed to find her phone in one bag and charger in another so we should be hooked up again soon.

Carol is still very confused, lacking her memory but we still managed to laugh a little. I took her in some new clothing and underwear and I bought some washing home which is in the machine now.
I tried to impress on her the need to remember her daughters birthday which is on Friday. I think it unlikely she'll remember.
Lots going on in her head.

I stayed 90minutes we said out goodbyes from 6 feet and I promised to go back on Wednesday at the same time.

By the time id driven home I was drained and made do with pizza and salad for tea. Currently cradling a glass of red and I feel like I may go to bed soon.

Night night folks, thanks for calling in.


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