The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Noisy and Deadly

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince’s parents, Penny and Albert came down for the day. Penny is on a mega dose of steroids and I feel really bad for her as the medication is badly affecting her short term memory and she has all this pent up energy which means she is up at crazy o’clock in the morning with ants in her pants. She also has a slight ‘moon face’ but likes that most of her wrinkles have gone!

My Brother-in-law, The Duke joined us for dinner and was telling us that during one of his work zoom meetings, someone farted so loudly that they became the ‘active speaker’ so there was NO doubt who has created the noise!


PS There’s nothing like your children shaming you - “oooh, napkins instead of kitchen roll’ or ‘Why are we using ramekins? We never normally use them.”

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