No Entry Island

Today was cold, grey and wet and nothing much happening in it .... until I got a phone call to say dad needed to go into hospital. So shortly after 4pm sometime I dropped Jodie off with Cathie and drove mom and dad to the hospital.
It was quiet with only two/three other patients waiting. When mom and dad were called through I sat on. After a while a lady was being wheeled back to the front door by a porter and she was not happy. The porter was wonderful. She remained calm and tried explaining the situation to the lady but she was not having it! I didn’t see the end result as I was able to go and sit with my mom while dad was being seen to but I just have to say how much I admired that porter for keeping her cool and not just forcing the lady to see ‘sense’.
Dad was sorted and good to go back home about 6pm
We stopped and picked up fish and chips on the way home. Cathie and I then took Jodie out for a walk about 8:30/9:00 dropping my car off at the garage in the process. (The suspension is still not right). The river was high. You couldn’t even see that there are stepping stones. Jodie was sorely tempted to jump in after a big branch that had got stuck but it was too deep and way to fast. She left it the first time past but when we pasted it on the way back she was itching to just make the jump... so I just put her on the leash. I didn’t feel we needed any more drama in the day!
Then home. I’ve kept Jodie tonight so hopefully mom and dad can get a good nights sleep and a long lay in the morning.

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