Pool with a view

Started this morning with a run up to the Chateau before picking up the pastries, sending a picture of today’s Pain au Raisin to bulliblips to keep her informed of my ongoing pastry decision making.

The rest of the day was spent trying to keep cool, with temperatures reaching 35°. This morning’s tactic was the pool and then onto the river this afternoon. I told neighbour Grace before leaving for France that it couldn’t get too hot for me, but even I’m being tested by the heat.

This afternoon I watched with dismay as a car with British plates turned up at the pitch next to ours (for who wants English neighbours on holiday) only to see bulliblips and the family emerge from the car. Brilliant! Our family do love to plan a surprise. At least bb can now try the Pain au Raisin out for herself.

Ant joined us on our evening swim to the Chateau.

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