Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

(Not such a) Common Lizard

I was out on the Chase today, and waiting for the ladies to return to the crossing point was idly looking around when I noticed this lizard on the waypost next to the gate.  Well I have to say, given the name of the lizard, it is the first time I can recollect ever seeing one while out on the Chase.  It was sunbathing there right in front of me but I still had to take a second look to make sure.  Better still it was intent on remaining where it was, despite having a lens pointed in its face as I tried to capture the scene.  

I so wish I'd had a macro lens with me, but after changing from the kit zoom lens and putting the 50-250 mm zoom on the camera, I had to make do.  I can remember when minimum focus distances were measure in yards but these days, even at maximum zoom, it is less than 3 feet from the end of the lens.

Day Miles:  3.9 miles. Total Miles: 949.6 miles

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