
By LifeLines


I'm not sure where these past six days have gone.  As far as I recall the weekend was a mixture of dog walks, chores and some time at the allotment.   The medication Merlin is on seems to be stopping his pollen allergy but this afternoon he has been sick - not sure why - perhaps he has eaten too many scrumped apples.

Produce at the allotment is now coming thick and fast. I picked these red currants on Sunday afternoon, along with the last of the gooseberries and Tayberries.  All have gone into the freezer to eat as a treat later in the year.  We're eating plenty of courgettes, salad, potatoes and spinach supplied courtesy of my plot.  And, there is promise of some tomatoes!  So all in all, life can't be too bad can it?

My novelty of today has been my first trip to the hairdresser since March.  It feels good to have some layers back in my hair and the straggly ends cut off.  Odd to be there with everyone behind visors or a mask.

Hoping your day has gone well.

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