Dr Jones

By jones

Parent's evening

Daughter #1 woke up with a very red forehead. I told her last night that three different types of spot cream was not good for her but she wouldn't listen.
Daughter #2 was very reluctant to go to school and saying that she was still unwell and had bad tummy ache.
I had a very busy day at work. A constant stream of students outside my office door. I was glad to get home.
I had a parents' evening at my son's school tonight. Hubby is in Holland today and I took a pen and paper to make some notes so I can remember what was said. Here's my son's reaction when he read my notes.
Lots of good stuff was said but there are some issues that also need to be addressed. The best comment was the maths teacher's welcome comment "oh wow - can this boy talk ". I bumped into my son's friend's mother outside the classroom. She told me that her son had told her that the boys had been separated in class. The teacher told me that one boy ( my son) has to sit in the front and the other at the back. He said that this has not stopped them talking! However, he's doing really well in maths and will be sitting his iGCSE this summer.

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