Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Flying Prawn

Okay, actually it's a Snowberry Clearwing Moth (Hemaris diffinis), a close relative of the Hummingbird Clearwing Moth (H. thysbe).  They do, however, resemble fuzzy little prawns, especially with the fluffy bit of "tail."  While I have seen quite a few of the other clearwings, the number of this particular species has been light this summer.  This one was busy on the buddleai bush, taking time out only to give chase to a big Giant Swallowtail.  

Snowberry was working hard on his hovering and speed-pollinating routines, as were the rest of Team Clearwing.  The Speed Pollinating events are going to be hotly contested with many teams in medal contention.  Stay tuned.  And if you've not clue what I am talking about, please check out detail on the AOGs - HERE.  The other judges and I are all looking forward to seeing reports from all over the world as the AOGs get underway on 1 Aug.  Leading up to that, tag your pre-game coverage with #aog2020.

This morning, my first Monarch Butterfly emerged from her chrysalis.  I missed the exact moment, catching her as she was fully emerged but with her wings still all crinkled up and small.  Within a few hours, she was clamoring to fly so I set her off with some soft words. Four more chrysalids should eclose within the next 3 days and about 8 tiny caterpillars have hatched in Nursery 2.

Speaking of nurseries...the House Wrens second broods are both being fed now.  The first 7 to hatch are getting ready to fledge - probably later today or tomorrow.  The second bunch is about a week behind.  The Wrens are already on a short leash in terms of the AOGs since they keep eating the arthropod athletes.  We're trying to work out some sort of equitable arrangement, but it's hard to overlook the eating...

Another hot, sticky day.  I'm limiting myself to short trips out to the garden - even 10 minutes is enough to be covered in "dew".  

New Jersey is seeing some spikes in Covid in the 14-28 age range, all resulting from big house parties.  None in my immediate area, fortunately, but still concerning.  And our neighboring state, Pennsylvania, has just been added to the list of states requiring mandatory 14 day quarantine if traveling to NJ.  This virus is just so incredibly contagious.  It feels like we entered a whack-a-mole game with this virus.

So... stay safe, wear a mask, be kind, and be loving.


Tiny Tuesday results to be announced tomorrow!

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