Hot Henrietta
The girls’ mooted trip to Carcassonne was abandonnés when it turned out their train was cancelled. The last train home is so early that it just wouldn’t be worth it (and they were too grown up and independent to accept our offer of a lift.)
So they stayed home, sorted out the flour box, baked abelskivers, made chocolate mousse, and chilli noodles for lunch. (Jamila can come again!)
I slogged through some work, had some admin wins, and didn’t do the planned baking, and meanwhile the boys did whatever boys do in the dog days of summer (reading about ancient history and watching YouTube - I’ll leave you to guess which way round).
Plans are afoot for kayaking (which I may have to miss) and other delights. The weekend promises to drop below 35C so I may get those chilli plants potted on.
And the hens are hot. The white one is broody again. We may get her some duck eggs to hatch.
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