
By MerlotsDad

Bridge over

Troubled water..

My poor wife. I visited her again today. I dont know if my visits are helping or hindering. She seemed to think that I was taking her home today, when I said I couldnt she said well perhaps we can go on Friday when you come in.

She was more agitated today. Worried about what had happened and why she was there. I tried to explain but then she wanted to know why I'd not been in before. The explanation along with the first were hard to understand and she kept asking the same questions. Why was she there, why couldn't she go home.

I didn't have the heart to tell her that visiting has been suspended as from Friday, and that Friday be the last time I can see her for a while. She was thinking out loud and wondering what was happening. I'm worried
about when she can be placed in the next stage of her journey cos she seems to be vegitating... Just waiting.. I spoke to the Dr who said they were still investigating to find the right place for her.

It's heartbreaking to leave her especially when she says ill be ready to go when you get here.

How the hell am I going to tell her that I can't visit anymore?

Fine day.

Traffic was nasty coming home, taking me an hour and a half.

Thanks for looking in.


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